Just when you needed more music to cry to while you have sex, here comes Lykke Li, who is the undisputed queen of that niche. Her new album, "so sad so sexy," (yes that's really the title), is out on June 8th. So far a lot of the hubbub around it has been mixed, with a lot of die-hard fans pushing back on her "new sound." Honestly, it's not a dramatic stretch for her. I'm not a huge fan of it (let me live in "I Never Learn" forever) but I'm sure I will warm up to it soon enough. In the meantime, I'll warn you that there is autotune involved, which seems like a special kind of punishment from God. Here's a link to the NSFW video for "Hard Rain", which is visually fantastic. AND FEATURES AT LEAST ONE SCENE OF SOMEONE RUNNING. Enjoy! And you know I love Lykke, I wouldn't trade her different genius for anything. Welcome home, sweet Swedish angel!