It's almost November, and that means for us writerly types, that means it's National Novel Writing Month . If you're not familiar with NaNoWriMo, it's a month of crazy amounts of writing. The goal is to get to 50,00 words of a completely original novel. No editing, no filters, just writing all month long till you get to the goal. I've participated the past two years, actually getting to 50,000 in my first year (humble brag be damned). Last year was...not as good. Long story short, I flamed out about halfway through. I did get some good material, but I just wasn't as committed as the previous year. Bitch knows how to make an entrance. I'm looking to change that. For this year, I'm sticking with my theme of reinventing a character from classic mythology. This time I've chosen Eos, the goddess of the dawn. She's an odd one, for sure, and that's why I was drawn to her. In the research I've been doing, one of the strangest things ...