Yesterday, I came across an article lamenting the lack of a true summer anthem for 2015 . Truth be told, I live in a radio-free bubble where I have the luxury to totally ignore top 40. Unless something unusually good climbs across my radar, I gleefully ignore whatever is exceedingly popular at the moment. Sometimes I have the misfortune of hearing the obnoxious opium of the masses while I'm on an Uber or when I'm out, but 9 out of 10 times I can live my life in my Internet radio-dominated bliss. I was sort of taken aback, because the writer's totally correct: We haven't had a "Blurred Lines" or "Fancy" this year. I mean, of course Lana has the goods, but you won't hear them on the radio (unless it's that sped-up "Summertime Sadness" remix....bleh). At first, I thought maybe the summer song was "Bad Blood?" I mean, all that hype about that video: I didn't even know that video had a plot until I read reviews