It’s been way too long since I’ve written pick up material.
I mentioned India in the last post, and more importantly, there is a hot Indian woman that works near me, so I spent the entirety of the last 34 minutes composing a plan of action.
Start Slow and Ease Into It (That's what she said).
Allow me to introduce you to........
Operation Khyber Pass:
Day 1
So how do you feel about conflict in Kashmir?
Day 2
I called Mumbai today while I was ordering a new MATTRESS. I spoke in Hindi ;)
Day 3
Do you like Tandoori Chicken, or do you need some more Spice on your Meat?
Day 4
With me, you'll feel like the Ganges. Wet, Dirty, and Constantly in Motion.
Day 5
I swear, you make me perk up like Mt. Everest.
Day 6
Look at it this way, I’m probably the only one of your suitors that doesn’t live in a log hut.
Day 7
You know Ghandi was a man of Peace. Well, I'm a man of "Getting Rough!"
Does anyone else miss “Outsourced?”
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