So. in case you haven't heard by now. they threw Alec Baldwin off a plane for playing Words With Friends. THEY WEREN'T EVEN IN THE AIR. THEY WERE ON THE GROUND. ON THE GROUND, LIKE A BUS. LIKE A MERE COMMONER.
he is Alec Baldwin. HE ADVERTISES FOR WEGMAN'S. how dare you, American. EVERYONE, FLY SOUTHWEST, AT LEAST YOU GET ONE BAG FOR FREE. and if you are European petition Southwest to come to your continent. thank you.
mazel tov,
he is Alec Baldwin. HE ADVERTISES FOR WEGMAN'S. how dare you, American. EVERYONE, FLY SOUTHWEST, AT LEAST YOU GET ONE BAG FOR FREE. and if you are European petition Southwest to come to your continent. thank you.
mazel tov,
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