Bristol Palin has been on one of the world's most publicized and also most dramatized roads to being a hot mom. A lot of negative press has surrounded Bristol Palin. Part of it because of her family ties (you think?). Part of it is also her poor taste in men (you really think?). However, when you get to it all, Bristol Palin still looks hot. She has a good smile, and she has AMAZING legs, which were highlighted during her performances on "Dancing with the Stars." (I almost said DWTS without mentioning that I want to kill Nancy close).
When Bristol Palin wore red on DWTS, the rest of the entire season fell to the background. I have never seen a single episode of "Dancing with the Stars," and I only know about this because her red dress was broadcast on the morning news. When you wear a short dress and show off your legs, and people think it's worthy of national media attention, you are hot. When I say news, yes it was FOX News, but that is kind of like news.
Mind you, Bristol performed in red after her pregnancy, and part of the coverage of her was not only related to her ties with that one mother of hers...she was a featurette on losing weight and maintaining a figure after giving birth.
Did you believe me when I said I wanted to kill Nancy Grace?
JUST KIDDING (for legal reasons).
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