UC: What's life on the road been like?
Sofia: It's been really fun. It's great to tour in an RV, because wherever you go you have your own bed with you and don't have to stay in crappy motels. But it's also been really hard sometimes. It's a lot of work, because we also do all our bookings and promo while on the road. So every other day or so we go to our coffice, as we call Starbucks, for a few hours and work on our computers to keep the tour going.
UC: How is the reception for the Owls Are Not What They Seem?
Sofia: Because I've been on the road since before it was released I haven't had a chance to do proper promo for it, but the reviews I've gotten have been great and people who bought it seem to really like it, which is kind of the best review you can get.
UC: Where are you currently?
Sofia: I drove into Austin, TX yesterday and am going to do 8 gigs during the SXSW festival here this week. It's always super crazy, lots of people and lots of bands but I love it!
UC: What bands have you been playing with?
Sofia: One of the best things with being on the road is that you get to see a lot of live music. I've played with some great bands but the ones that I really took to heart were Nathan Reich: http://nathanreichmusic.com/and Horse Thief: http://www.myspace.com/horsethiefokc
I hope to be able to see both of them here at SXSW this week.
UC: So, what's this new acoustic video that we've been hearing about?
Sofia: Well, as I'm touring through the US I get to see so many cool places and I wanted to share that with my fans, so now I've started to do little acoustic live videos of the songs from The Owls Are Not What They Seem. Eventually there will be a whole video album with all the songs from the album. You can watch the first one here:Sofia Talvik: very talented and very underrated and hard at work, trekking the U.S. like Chris Farley in ... that movie he was in with Matthew Perry. Keep an eye on her and make sure to check out her new album.....it's EXCELLENT. lastly, I'm totally jealous, both Oh Land and Fiona Apple are at SXSW. !!!! HANG OUT WITH THEM, SOFIA!
(map of Canada ... watch your back, Joni)
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