It's been over 100 years since the Titanic sank in the cold waters of the North Atlantic, yet within that 100 years, it has gone from a major historical tragedy to just the title of a film by James Cameron (and possibly another starring Catherine Zeta-Jones).
The News Feed reveals this:
"For all the history buffs reading this, the next couple of sentences may be too painful to contemplate. A couple of the tweets from the uninformed read, "Nobody told me titanic was real? How am I just finding this out?" Another tweet read, "Guys, the Titanic was real! #mindblown."
Yes, the Titanic was real. Unless the conspiracy theorists want to tackle this one too. For example, we have people that say we never landed on the moon, perhaps we will have people that say the Titanic never sank and all the images of the ship at the bottom of the sea are destroyed Hollywood props from the film "The Unsinkable Molly Brown." Crazier things have happened. People even deny the Holocaust. #Mindblown.
Questions and Thoughts for You Guys:
Will the Titanic one day become a conspiracy theory?
What is your favorite conspiracy theory? (Mine is the moon landing)
Will people forget other major historical events as time goes by, like World War 1 for example?
You be the judge.