Today was a Bad Music Day
Do you listen to bad music just for fun?
I have spent the entirety of this afternoon listening to bad music. I dug up some old treasures that I used to listen to back before people made playlists.
Worst Song of the Day 3rd Strike: No Light
This song is not as bad. Smoother. Better Melody. However, it just has too much of the 2002 MTV-2 Nail Polish. I was a rather big fan of this song back at that age. However, it’s a little too poppy for its own good, yet still not as bad as (see above).
Ill Nino: What Comes Around
Then, there is one from Adema. It’s not horrible either. In fact, the melody is rather entertaining. However, the lyrics are just way too serious for their “that’s what she said moments.” “I’ll get inside you….the way you like it….heh heh heh heh heh.” Adema : The Way you Like It
Fuck 2002's Music Scene
agreed about 2002 having a bad music scene!