Top Ten Reasons to Get Excited for the Olympic: #9 The Cuban Black Team
As the Olympics approach, many people have ideas in their
minds of certain Olympic teams. For example, the Greeks always give a prideful
walk-off into the arena. The Russians are intense and monstrous. The Romanians
are starving Gymnasts. The Americans are prideful. The Chinese have no choice
to win or they get the belt, but one of the single most entertaining countries
in the Olympics to watch is the Cuban Team.
This is the time of the decade when Cuban athletes step away
from their Communist Island and pretend to make friends with the world for at
least one month.
The Cuban team usually presents hundreds of competitors for
the Olympic Games. They are always cheated by the refs, and they are also
always black.
What the fuck does that mean?
Yes, the Cuban team is always made of black people, and
usually they compete in martial arts where they beat people up.Such as the famous 2008 Incident regarding Angel Matos, a
former Olympic Gold Medalist, who decided that he was not only going to beat up
his opponent in Taekwondo, but also a referee.
Well, let’s see if that doesn’t
get you a lifetime ban Matos.
Anyway, this year’s Olympics should prove
to have a very strong presence from the Cuban team…and who knows?
Questions for You:
Did you think I was serious when I said that Cuban athletes
are only black?
I mean, come on…that’s a joke.
At least 4% of the team is miscellaneous.
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