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An Interview With Nathan Fox

You Need to Hear This!

Nathan Fox is an up-and-coming singer-songwriter whose music has been compared to the likes of the Lumineers, Amos Lee and Brett Dennen among others. He's a graduate of Berklee College of Music, which is an impressive accomplishment in itself.

I recently spoke to Nathan about his music career, his touring and his new EP. He was very cordial, which is something I always appreciate.

UC: What are you up to at the moment? Touring?  
Nathan: At this moment I am enjoying a peaceful October morning in a cabin in the woods on Martha's Vineyard, Ma.  I plan to spend this winter here working on new material, and booking shows for next Spring.  I'm also planning to visit family in San Diego for the holidays.

UC: It seems like you tour an awful lot (or as your Facebook says, always). What's your favorite aspect of it?  
Nathan: Well . . . perhaps I was exaggerating slightly when I created my Facebook and Twitter pages. As I just mentioned I am currently enjoying some down time.  Because I've been handling all my booking, promotion, social media, website, etc., I need to take time off from performing to handle my business and book next spring and summer.  When I am on tour I like the performing part of it.  Sure, it is nice to see new places, but I get a rush out of performing for people.  It's quite gratifying for me to witness people as they listen to what I've worked so hard on, and I'm grateful for any opportunity to do so.

UC: What was it like to put together your EP, "I'm All Done?" On your website, it says you worked with musicians who have worked with Johnny Cash and Chet Atkins, among others.  
Nathan: I am so fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with all the amazing and talented people who helped me put together my EP.  Recording it basically consisted of a bunch of great players all in a room together having a good time and joking around while performing my songs to tape. What more could anyone ask for?  Andrija Tokic (The Alabama Shakes, Caitlin Rose . . . ) is an incredible engineer and I am so stoked that he was there to capture it all.  I believe we had at least 19 players on the EP. I wish I had space to list them all here.  There is a credit list on the "Music" page of my website. The list is also in the album art which comes with the purchase of the full EP on iTunes.  Everyone involved was super positive and amazing.  It was one of the best experiences I have ever had, and I am very proud of the final product.  

UC: Do you have any music you're composing at the moment?  
Nathan: I have a really cool new song that I am working on now which is a little different than anything else I have ever done.  It's a driving folk rock tune about finding passion and getting through whatever it takes to go after it.  I also have a handful of new songs that I have written since releasing the EP.  I would like to get into the studio soon to lay them down and then release a full length record which I plan to release on vinyl as well as digitally.

UC: What inspires you the most?  
Nathan: Some of my most inspired moments have come about when listening to the right song at the perfect time. It can work the other way round as well.  I may not be feeling that particular emotion until the right song or piece of music comes along and tugs it out of me.  I am fascinated by the correlation between music and emotion.  I think it's probably what got me started writing music in the first place. 

UC: What are you personally listening to at this time and enjoying?  
Nathan: My playlist changes a bit with what I am doing.  If I'm driving in a city I almost exclusively listen to classical.  Dvorak, Tchaikovsky, Debussy, Chopin, Liszt . . .  It keeps the road rage in check.  Otherwise I am listening to a lot of classics, for example, Otis Redding, Louis Armstrong, Fats Waller, Billie Holiday, Sam Cooke, The J.B.'s, Elvis, Sinatra, Miles, Simon & Garfunkel, etc.  with some newer throwback stuff in the mix as well (Ray LaMontagne, The Alabama Shakes, Caitlin Rose, etc.).  I actually have a Spotify playlist set up called Folk, Jazz, Soul, and Rock & Roll.  I am still working on it, but it has most of that stuff in there.  

UC: What's been your proudest achievement so far? What do you hope to achieve still in your career?  
Nathan: So far the achievement that I am most proud of has been the production of my EP.  I have worked really hard for the better part of my life to develop the different skills necessary to make that come to fruition.  I hope to continue to make recordings and that one day my career in music will generate enough money for me to raise a family.  

UC: Any parting words?  
Nathan: Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to my music and to do this interview.  I seriously can't thank you enough.  As I mentioned before, I handle all of the promotion for my music on my own.  Though I work very hard, there is no way I can do it all on my own.  It means the world to me when someone like you steps in and helps me out.


If you want more from Nathan, including access to music and a look at tour dates, check out his website.


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