ACK. Fiona Apple?! ANDREW BIRD?!! Together. I can't. I can't. I literally can't even.
*insert GIF of fainting woman*
*fans self*
*dies so, so, so many times*
I still can't even. Hold please.
ACK. Fiona Apple?! ANDREW BIRD?!! Together. I can't. I can't. I literally can't even.
*insert GIF of fainting woman*
*fans self*
*dies so, so, so many times*
I still can't even. Hold please.
It's a pretty unconventional love song. And when I say "unconventional," I don't mean weird per se. I mean different. Like the melody is a little all over the place and the song doesn't really go where you expect it will go. But that's perfectly okay, because Fiona's voice (becoming more beautifully ragged with age) complements Andrew's flawlessly. Like, how were these two voices never paired together before? They seem meant for each other, like a hand and glove. Esp. toward the end, when they harmonize on the word "believer."
Andrew's latest album, "Are You Serious," will be out next month. Maybe, the next time he tours, he can bring Fiona with him. Coax her out of her cave with organic, gluten-free brownies. In fact, I will start writing my fanfiction about that now.
Other good duets in Andrew's canon can be found with mah girl and the future Mrs. Cara Delievieignene, St. Vincent. Check out 2012's "Lusitania" below:
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