Phoenix-based Paper Foxes are back with a red-hot single that is reminiscent of the best of The Killers in moments, The Midnight in others. The new wave/synth sounds of their latest track "Crystal Ball" feel hopeful even if the lyrics seem to tell a different story.
The Bob Hoag-produced song is an extremely energetic and catchy return to form for the band, who released their fantastic debut album "Popular Confessions" in 2019. Hear the title track off the album below:
The new single kicks off some exciting news for the band - they'll be playing a few live shows this summer, first in Tucson (Club Congress @ June 30th) and then in Phoenix (Rebel Lounge @ July 2nd). Hopefully that also means more new music is on the way from the group - who were named "The Best Unsigned Band in Arizona" by the Alternative Press in 2020.
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